Strengthen your connections and forge relationships with employer partners and alumni. Seek information and advice about career paths, industries, and organizations to make informed choices and uncover opportunities. Work with the CCPD team to identify contacts, grow connections and build relationships.
Lehigh’s campus recruiting program connects students with our employer partners seeking students for internships, co-op and full-time positions. Employers will recruit during the fall and spring semesters. In order to participate in Lehigh’s campus recruiting program student’s must utilize their Handshake account. It is important to be aware of application deadlines so that you won’t miss opportunities. Please be sure to read our campus recruiting policies before beginning the recruiting process.
Career Expos
Lehigh provides an opportunity each fall and spring semester to kick off the recruiting season by connecting students with employers who are launching their applicant search process. Please refer to more information through our Handshake resources to learn how to register, prepare and plan for this year’s expo.
Information Sessions/Coffee Chats/Recruiter in Residence
Meet with employers through more informal settings to learn about their organizations. All employer events are housed in the event section of Handshake. If you are Interested in learning more about particular companies be sure to favorite them through your Handshake account so that you receive updates when a company is hosting an event or posting new opportunities.
Lehigh Connects
Join a community of Lehigh Alumni and students. Browse thousands of profiles to network with a professional in a position, company, or industry of interest. Explore career options and get help preparing for life after Lehigh. For more resources regarding Lehigh Connects click here.
Lehigh University Alumni LinkedIn Group
In addition to Lehigh Connects you can connect to our alumni community through Lehigh’s LinkedIn Alumni Group. Click here to join the group and explore connections. To learn more about networking on LinkedIn click here.