First Year
- Attend information sessions for first year pre-law students in the fall.
- Stay current on pre-law activities and opportunities:
- Enroll in Pre-Law Advising Course Site (
- Check the Calendar of Events for the Center for Career & Professional Development
- Get off to a good start in your courses. It's easier to make plans for professional and graduate school from a position of academic strength.
- Explore academic disciplines, expand your horizons, challenge yourself. Make it a point to get to know your professors: talk with them after class, attend office hours.
Sophomore Year
- Continue to take challenging and interesting coursework. Find the major discipline that engages you the most.
- Continue to strengthen your faculty relationships.
- Consider applying for a winter break law-related externship through CCPD. Or arrange for an informational interview/shadowing experience on your own. Work with the Pre-Law counselor to explore opportunities.
- Attend Lehigh Valley Law Day. Consider traveling to New York or Philadelphia for the other law fairs held there. For more information, check the Law School Admission Council's event calendars.
Junior Year
- Attend the fall and/or spring "Applying to Law School: Jr/Sr Info Session." Also, think about attending the "Writing a Personal Statement" workshop.
- Attend Lehigh Valley Law Day. Consider traveling to New York or Philadelphia for the other law fairs held there. For more information, check the Law School Admission Council's event calendars.
- Decide the best way for you to prepare for the LSAT. Put this plan into action: Order self-study materials, register for a prep class.
- Decide on the LSAT date for which you will be best prepared, typically June of junior year or September/October of senior year.
- Register for the LSAT online.
- Continue to be attentive to your course work.
- Consider applying for a winter break law-related externship through CCPD. Or arrange for an informational interview/shadowing experience on your own. Work with the Pre-Law counselor to explore opportunities.
- If desired, visit law schools over the summer.
- Begin to work on your personal statement over the summer.
Senior Year
- Take the September/October LSAT if you did not take the June test.
- Attend Lehigh Valley Law Day. Consider traveling to New York or Philadelphia for the other law fairs held there. For more information, check the Law School Admission Council's event calendars.
- Complete your law school applications during the fall semester. Aim for a November submission.
- Contact your professors for letters of recommendation.
- Continue to attend to your course work and law-related experiences.
- Obtain a credit report on yourself (in preparation for financing your law school education).